2 - Server-side Web Application Seminar

  • Seminar 2


Tasks that must be solved and reported at the seminar.

Task 1

Answer the following questions:

  • What does serverless architecture refer to?

  • What's the trend over the last years where a web application's code is placed?

  • What's a server-side web framework (a.k.a. "web application framework")?

  • What can a server-side web framework do for you?

  • What's the difference between an ORM and an ODM?

  • What factors may affect your selection of a server-side web framework?

  • Whats server-side web frameworks are there for programming languages such as Phyton, Java, JavaScript, C#, PHP, Ruby, etc.?

    • Frameworks for persistent data?

  • What frameworks are there for Node.js, except for Express?

    • Frameworks for persistent data?

Task 2

Create an artifact describing the architecture of the server-side of the examination application. The following requirements must be met.

  • The documentation for your web application must be stored on the GitLab (https://gitlab.lnu.se/1dv612/student) wiki associated with your private examination repository.

  • The documentation must contain a picture describing the server-side subsystem.

  • Describe (data flow diagram?) how the data is processed.

  • If there is a need for persistent data on the server-side, it should be described.

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